
Fallout new vegas pre order packs
Fallout new vegas pre order packs

fallout new vegas pre order packs

The catch is you’ll have to make one last trip for him to the Divide. In Lonesome Road, Ulysses promises to answer your question as to why he refused to deliver the Platinum Chip at the start of Fallout New Vegas.

fallout new vegas pre order packs

45 Auto Submachine Gun, the Compliance Regular, Fire Bombs, War Clubs, and Yao Guai Gauntlets.

  • Get new Perks and weapons including the.
  • Face new enemies from the Yao Guai to lethal Greek Geckos and tribes.
  • Explore the rugged terrain of Zion Canyon with steep canyon walls, caves, riverbeds, and waterfalls.
  • The fate of Zion rests on your shoulders.
  • Gain new perks and achievements with a raised level cap to 35.Īfter an expedition gone wrong, you find yourself in the middle of a war between tribes and a conflict between a New Canaanite missionary and the mysterious Burned Man.
  • A new storyline with tougher choices awaits you.
  • Get to encounter the Ghost People, pre-war death traps, and Sierra Madre’s holographic security system.
  • Take part in a casino heist where you’ll be working with three companions, each with their own motivation for helping you.
  • With a hugely expanded perk system, new traits you can use to give your character both an advantage and a disadvantage, warring factions to join or make enemies out of, plenty of new features to dig into, and better dialogue, Fallout: New Vegas is better than Fallout 3 in many ways.Ī few technical problems aren’t enough to sully this enjoyable and sophisticated adventure through the western wastes.
  • New additions such as Companion Wheel, Reputation System, Hardcore Mode, and more enhance your New Vegas experience.
  • Are you going to choose a side? The choices you make will let you meet other characters, creatures, allies, foes, and determine the outcome of this struggle.

    fallout new vegas pre order packs

  • War is brewing between rival factions.
  • fallout new vegas pre order packs

    Explore its vast desert wastelands, or stroll under the bright lights of the New Vegas strip.

  • Feel the Heat as Sin City is still full of life despite a nuclear fallout that devastated it.
  • Choose your side, or fight them all by yourself and be the king! Battle your way across New Vegas, a heat-blasted Mojave Wasteland where a war looms.

    Fallout new vegas pre order packs